Load Board for Carriers

Load Board for Carriers

DAT has the best load board for carriers, with the most loads available and the best tools for negotiating rates.

The DAT carrier load board is more than just a load listing. Our load board offers the most reliable way to optimize your trucking business and strengthen your bottom line.

  • Discover intelligent tools for negotiating rates.
  • Gain access to detailed listings across the country.
  • Explore quality insights into brokers and loads.

Discover intelligent tools for negotiating rates.

With DAT’s load board for carriers, you can view market rates, rate history, and more.
There’s a reason DAT is called the NASDAQ of trucking. When you sign up for DAT, you’re not just getting a listing of loads in your area — you’re subscribing to a service that can help you negotiate the best prices. For every lane, we offer a rate history for the past 13 months, plus freight trends and demand indexes.

Gain access to detailed listings across the country.

DAT offers the most detailed, complete freight matching service to find the best loads possible.

DAT is the best place to find loads in the industry, with over 644,500  loads posted every business day. That means DAT’s load board offers the most complete picture of loads in your area, ensuring you aren’t missing out on any opportunities. Plus, with unlimited posting and searching, DAT doesn’t charge add-on fees when you need to search again or repost.

Explore quality insights into brokers and loads.

DAT’s load board helps you find the most trustworthy brokers and loads.
Once you subscribe to DAT, you can access broker information to make sure you’re dealing with reliable, high-quality clients. High-paying loads aren’t going to help your bottom line if they’re coming from an unreliable broker. Your DAT subscription lets you view credit scores, user reviews, and average day-to-pay rates for brokers to help you avoid untrustworthy clients.

“The DAT Load Board is the only one I use, and I really don’t see any interest in trying any other one.”

- Brian Stone, Stone’s Trucking LLC

"DAT Load Board is awesome. They even teach you how to book a load and how to use it on your computer or cell phone app. Highly recommend DAT!"

- Francis Gatmaitan, Alpha Trucking

Find Available Loads Today!

Get the most relevant matches for your business – the right load for the right truck at the right price, no matter where you are. DAT has the largest load board, with more than 235 million loads posted annually. Find the load board package that best suits your business below.

DAT Load Board

From $ 49