PORTLAND, Ore.– TransCore has teamed with data mining software company Vigillo to offer its customers a 10 percent discount on Vigillo’s CSA 2010 carrier and driver scorecards. The scorecards provide a comprehensive overview of the safety data the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) will use in the implementation of the Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010 (CSA 2010) initiative.
According to Vigillo, over 1,500 carriers – employing a total of 550,000 drivers – currently use the scorecards to see how they will measure up under CSA 2010, scheduled to replace the SafeStat program in November.
In addition to offering its customers discounted scorecards, TransCore has unveiled a new webpage within www.transcorefreightsolutions.com dedicated to CSA 2010 information. The page is designed to keep its customers – the transportation industry’s top brokers, carriers and 3PLs – informed as to how the new regulations will affect their businesses.
Based upon seven Behavior Analysis & Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs), CSA 2010 places new emphasis on driver safety, thus putting pressure on carriers to monitor closely the behavior of their fleet’s drivers. Vigillo’s driver scorecards show data on individual drivers, including their performance in each specific BASIC.
Vigillo reports that as many as 68 percent of its customers currently have at least one BASIC over the government’s intervention threshold. This represents a large number of carriers who are at risk of government action, ranging in severity from a warning letter to an out-of-service order. TransCore is offering Vigillo’s CSA 2010 solution to its customers as a way to prepare for the new regulations, before the possibility of government intervention becomes a reality.