It’s been a perennial problem in trucking: You’re offered a good rate to deliver a load, but the rate on the return trip barely covers your operating costs. That’s a good time to look for a TriHaul — a triangular route that pays better than a straight round trip.

For example, say you get you’re delivering a load from Chicago to Dallas. Usually that pays much better than Dallas to Chicago. So, on the way back, you may want to get a load from Dallas to Tulsa and then from Tulsa back to Chicago.

Don’t have TriHaul in your load board subscription? Contact us to see how to get it.

See more videos on how to get the most out of your DAT load board

TriHaul is available in in DAT One, starting at the Pro subscription. Whenever you do a point-to-point load search, the load board automatically provides up to 5 TriHaul suggestions. The video above shows you where to find the TriHaul feature in your load board.

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